Excited AND Scared! On HOMEGROWN and Transitions

As I’m writing this, it’s the day before my first Kickstarter campaign is set to launch. I’m about 70% excited, 10% proud of all the work that’s already gone into this, and a not-quite-crippling 20% terrified of failing very publicly.

You see, I’m trying out something new– something similar to work I’m already pretty good at, but in different enough of a model that I feel like I’ve been dropped off on an alien planet. I haven’t felt this many butterflies in my stomach since a similar diagonal transition almost three years ago. But I’m getting ahead of myself– let me offer a short backstory.

My career as a creative so far can be boiled down to a series of pivots: from engineering to design student, from design student to ad/marketing designer, from graphic designer to hand-letterer, from letterer to muralist, and most recently– from lettering/design-focused person to someone others refer to as an “artist.” From the outside looking in I’m sure this appears to be tiny sidesteps under one big umbrella, but those in this field will recognize– these roles all have vastly different goals, measurements of success, and implications on what my life looks like every day. I have a mild case of metaphorical whiplash from all this frequent change in just a few short years!

That is not to say that I’m not grateful for all of these opportunities in different areas, frankly it’s just something I never expected or saw coming. I fully recognize that my journey has been pushed forward and challenged for the better by my clients' trust in me to try new things on every project. With their help and those opportunities, I’ve accomplished things I never even dreamed I would be able to do… But, the time has come that I would like the chance to steer my own boat, for a spell.

It is out of this sentiment that my first solo art show and this Kickstarter, titled HOMEGROWN, was conceived and is being produced. I’ve been honing my craft and skills for a few years now, and as I’m learning is inherent to the nature of artists– I finally feel ready and want to use them to communicate some things from my perspective.

The pieces in this show will explore concepts and themes of what home means to me as a small-town artist, native Floridian, and someone who has fallen back in love with the Panhandle after a return home I never expected. Some pieces will be deeply personal, some will be designed to resonate with people from this community, but all will tug on the heartstrings one way or another.

As I am not independently wealthy (and, life is expensive, ya know!) I’ve developed this Kickstarter campaign to help me offset the expenses of Homegrown by offering Florida-related physical goods, backer preview events, sponsorship opportunities, and an exclusive feed of updates to folks who believe in this project and want to see my work in a new format. I hope you’ll consider backing the campaign or sharing it with your friends if you want to see this project come to life in September!

There’s so much more to share (even this early in the game!), but I’ll save it for the Behind the Show feed a little later ;) For now, let me leave you with a few tasty previews of the physical rewards you could earn for backing HOMEGROWN.

Thanks so much for reading, sharing, and supporting however you are able– 

Talk soon,


Funny seeing you here!

Howdy ya’ll!

Morgan here- the artist behind this small corner of the internet and the studio known as UH BEAUTIFUL MES. But if you’re here, you probably already knew that ;)

This is the part where I tell you WELCOME to my shiny new blog! This is where I’ll post the most up-to-date info on this site- the real nitty-gritty, not-your-father’s-case-study kinda stuff.

That begs a few questions, which I’ll try my best to resolve swiftly without *too* much cringe:

Who is this, realLY?

Alright, now that you know what goes down easily on paper- who am I, really? Well for starters- a formerly gifted kid turned engineering student, turned graphic design student, turned college dropout, and student of LIFE baby! That’s a long story in and of itself, but I’ll save it for another day.

These days, I am a letter-obsessed nerd who is particularly interested in the intersection of custom type and history, and/or music. I’m also fascinated by the marriage of digital and analog technology used in signpainting and mural installation… All of which led me to this point, I suppose!

Left to right: Goose, Salem

Outside of things directly related to work, I am intrigued by the science of personality, the interaction between fear/hope/action, adventure and the Hero’s Journey, as well as living a life under the (good! motivating!) pressure of inevitable death. SUPER light stuff, right?

On an *actually* lighter note, I really love playing guitar, eating cilantro and garbanzo beans as snacks, analogous color palettes, and my two dumpster babies- Goose & Salem.

What will you be posting?

Full disclosure- I’m going to let this be my most ~free form~ platform for sharing longer-form content on any and all things I am fascinated by. This can/may/probably will look like a smorgasbord of content containing but not limited to:

  • Freelance/career updates!

  • Featuring client work!

  • Sharing resources/tips and tricks!

  • Miscellaneous (nonfiction) book reviews!

  • Other work I’m inspired by!

  • General musings on life and the state of my world!

Like I said, a real buffet of lots of things that may or may not be interesting to the same people (outside of myself.) I’m trying to take the pressure valve waaay off in here, largely to serve my “why” of posting on this platform at all.

Ooh okay. So what *is* the why?

You might be shocked to discover- these disparate musings are *not* here to serve the all-knowing SEO powers that be! Primarily because I do not understand them, but also because I think that’s the lamest motivation behind writing things someone else may end up ever reading. No buzzwords for buzzwords’ sake in this stew of posts, guaranteed.

My primary “why” behind sharing on this platform is to serve as an example of someone imperfect, vast and varied, who can over time find success in this kind of career. I hope others can see me being an *actual human* and think to themselves “Hey! If this wackjob can figure out how to build a life on following what she loves… then golly gee I probably can too!”

A secondary, more selfish reason I’m posting here is to have an archive of my own thoughts and progress over time. In the past, I’ve used social media to serve that end. But after the latest #InstagramShutdown on top of my own personal account getting deleted by hackers after a decade of posting frequently (RIP @morganelyce) I realized it’s time to move on to something I can have a little more control over.

Plus, this gives me a space to nerd out over whatever I’m inspired by or projects that take a *little* longer to get on the main site. Gets a lot of the professional thoughts/books/ideas I stew over out of my noggin’ and onto the page… It feels like a step in the right direction, at least.

Alright so… when are you posting again?

Well… starting today! Unlike my project Small Town Walls, which had a lofty weekly goal that has fallen waaaay by the wayside (whoops) I’m going to keep things as casual as possible over here. Let’s aim for at a minimum, quarterly- but probably something closer to monthly or even biweekly if things are staying interesting!

Okie dokie, so I hope that’s answered a few main questions about what on Earth this space is for, what I’ll be sharing, and the like. Decide for yourself if you care to tune in for the grab bag of content that is sure to follow- and if you have any further questions or ideas of content you’d like to see, feel free to drop them down below.

As is STW tradition, I think I’ll end each post here with a favorite (and relevent) quote of mine. This is gonna be a doozy, but it’s one I come back to again and again... just seems right somehow.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
— Theodore Roosevelt, April 23, 1910