Our warm breezes are returning, afternoon sunshowers are trickling in, and the tree outside my window finally has itty-bitty buds forming– this can only mean one thing. We’ve made it through Winter, and Spring is *almost* here!
I, for one, could not be more excited for warmer weather and the longer daylight hours ahead. Is it just me, or was this past winter exceptionally dreary? No matter– I am so grateful for the pretty days we’ve had so far, and the small silver of Spring-weather left for us here in Florida (before Summer comes and I’m wishing for 50-degree weather again, hah!)
With this change of seasons, I’m feeling especially keen to embrace the growth and freshness of Spring in new ways in my creative practice! Starting with…
I may have jumped the gun on ~physical~ spring cleaning this year (don’t look now, but my bags for donation may or may not be sitting in the back of my van as I type this)-- but there’s certainly still more “cleaning” to do on the creative side of my creative career.
This year one of my goals is to hone in on what ~my style~ of art looks and feels like– from mediums to subject matter, to formats and color choices. So far this Spring, that’s meant a whole lot of intentionally letting go of techniques that I may like in others’ work, but that don’t suit how I enjoy making work or the final feel I’m looking for. It can be a bit daunting to narrow my focus when I really love creative exploration! But finding my style has always been a balancing act between throwing everything at the wall to see what happens, vs. paring down to what feels the most essentially “me.” This Spring so far has got me solidly in the “cleaning” phase 🙂
(P.S. I also quietly rolled out a sight brand refresh with a change of fonts in order. This is a great time of year to do some ~brand~ cleaning if you have your own business!!)
You guys know I am ALWAYS a bright-saturated-color girly, 365 days a year… But something about Spring coming around the bend makes that feel so much more appropriate and exciting!
Not only am I leaning into the bright happy colors I associate with this season– I’m also drawing a lot of what feels like Spring-focused art as far as subject matter goes. My sketchbook is quickly filling up with tons of animal moms & babies, washes of bright pastels, and so. many. florals! These are things I love to draw all year long, but the new growth outside, the sun on my face, and cute animal baby videos popping up on the internet are all inspiring me to make a lot of art this season. I couldn't be happier about it, and TOP SECRET– some of these sketches have turned into pieces, which are currency turning into products I’ll be selling in a Spring collection coming mid/late March!
Without fully stepping back into the depths of midwinter, I can share that it was not the most fulfilling season for me and my creative career. I had some wonderful projects to be sure, but for most of the end of 2023, I was working through a backlog of delayed projects. I felt pushed around by a career that I was supposed to be steering the “ship” of! There were a lot of days I struggled to get up and get going, several days I resented the work that I was doing, and a few days where I wanted to give up on everything and call the whole thing off.
Now how much of that was circumstantial vs. how much was general sadness because the sun was setting at 4:30 PM?? Who’s to say in retrospect? All I know is I’m so glad to be ending Winter with a plan to move forward in a direction that I am *legitimately* so excited about– and I’m equally thrilled to be starting off Spring on the right foot, working on projects I hope you'll enjoy as much as I have been so far!!
As I open windows every day to let in the breeze and morning birdsong, I’m reminded by the world that this is the time of year designed to nurture new things– to support the growth of sprouts from seeds planted ahead of time. I’m so grateful for these little natural “notifications”– they keep reminding me that this is the *perfect* time to start something new to tend in the months ahead.
So here's to a season of growth, creativity, and flourishing in new ways! What seeds or sprouts are you watering right now? Or better yet, which tidings of Spring are you enjoying the most so far this year? Would love to hear all about it in the comments below 🙂
Wishing you sunshine and warmth (or that it comes soon if you’re still in deep Winter where you are!)
Talk soon–